Our goal for this year’s Annual Fund is $575,000, which is over 65% of the PTA budget. This year’s requested donation is $2,200 per child. Please take the time today and give through Zelle, Check, Credit Card payment or stock grant. There is no amount that is too small or too big to make a difference in our children’s lives. Ultimately 100% participation is the goal, and in the words of the Baron Pierre de Coubertin “The most important thing is not to win but to participate”.
Please fill out this form for our treasurers so we can keep track of incoming donations and matching requests.
The HCES PTA Annual fund campaign is our largest fundraising effort. Please donate what you can afford for this important fund that directly benefits all of our children. All gifts to the HCES Annual Fund are 100% tax-deductible. Invest in your child’s education at Hunter today! Our school’s tax identification number 13-3912870. Your donation to the Annual Fund directly supports initiatives such as:
- Classroom supplies for your child’s homeroom teacher, such as reading, math and art materials, blocks, and cleaning supplies;
- Supplies for specialty teachers (library, chess, foreign languages, music, theater, physical education, shop, art, etc.) such as books, art and building materials, instruments, and athletic equipment;
- Technology equipment, software, and online services;
- Curriculum development funding for faculty, such as research support, training, and software;
- Costumes and set and prop materials for school performances;
- Class field trips (including special grade-trips to other states);
- Special school-wide events, including Movie Night, Carnival, Talent Show, and the Book Fair;
- Support for affiliation groups, like Mosaic and POCA, and extracurricular student teams, like debate and chess;
- Emergency and long-term initiatives, like ACT COVID testing during the pandemic and the upcoming playground renovation;
Contributions to the Annual Fund allow the PTA to underwrite these many ‘extra’ enrichments. Your gifts make a difference each school day for your child – and every child at Hunter College Elementary School.