Classroom Supplies

The Classroom Supplies contribution (CSC) provides an entire year of funding for HCES faculty. It ensures that every teacher can purchase their own selection of necessary student and classroom supplies throughout the year.

Please note that families with more than one child at HCES are asked to contribute on behalf of each child.

How do I donate? The PTA contributes $250 per student to fund classroom supplies for every teacher. We ask that you contribute what you can afford – and we offer multiple methods of payment.

Thank you!

Amounts donated are kept strictly confidential and contributions are 100% tax deductible.

What does CSC fund? Each classroom teacher receives a grant to spend in his or her classroom. This funds individual supplies for each child (pencils, pens, comp books, art supplies, etc.) and general classroom supplies such as wet wipes, brooms, costumes and materials, blocks, magazines, field trips (transportation and admission fees), and so much more.

Our specialist teachers (e.g. chess, French, Spanish, music, physical education, etc.) also receive grants from the PTA to purchase supplies for their programs (art materials, instruments, athletic equipment, etc.) The PTA also uses a portion of the CSC to fund December holiday gifts for all faculty and staff.

When do parents contribute to Classroom Supplies? We ask families make contributions each school year, between August and September, so that the PTA can provide teachers the funds for the year ahead. The PTA requests a suggested contribution of $250 per child enrolled at HCES.

Thank you!

Why does the PTA collect the CSC from families? The PTA chooses to collect these funds for two important reasons. The first is to relieve parents of the task of having to purchase supplies for their child or additional items for the classroom throughout the year. The second is that this levels the playing field for all of our students to have the same supplies and materials.